Author Archives: adrian

Canon DRebel XT (350D) + other exciting camera stuff

Well I’ve been a little on the fence for the past few weeks regarding selling my Digital Rebel (300D) and picking up a 350D before going away to Morocco. Well, after tallying up what I would get for my Drebel, and the other lenses I had laying around (28mm f2.8, 35-105mm f4.5-5.6 and 35-70mm f3.5-4.5) I decided that if I played my cards right, I could sell them all and break even on a purchase of a new DRebel XT. Continue reading


Last night I got that lump in my throat that I occasionally get when I’m sick. Normally I chalk it up to being sick, but I mentioned it to my wife and she mentioned allergies. I never thought if that… I bet you that’s what it is! Come to think of it, this has happened a few weeks (maybe month and a half) ago, but didn’t think much of it.
The feeling is of a lump in my throat, and I salivate a lot.When I swallow it feels odd, and painfull. probably a restriction of my throat. My breathing is unaffected.
It muct be something I ate, so I’m gonna list everything I ate:
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Mounting ISOs

I’ve done this a few times, and each time I need to look it up. At least if I post it here, I know where to look for it.
To mount an ISO file to a folder;
#mount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/iso

RAID 5 success.

The results are good.
Managed to get all 4 drives mounted under a RAID 5 array, like I described earlier. Once I was done swapping out the smaller partitions for the larger drives, I was left with one large partition of 699 Gigs. At least according to Yast, as well as Webmin.
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