About me

portraitMy name is Adrian.

This is my personal website, where all my thoughts, ideas, lists, and other useless stuff gets noted for future reference. My interests are very diverse and here you will find a little about what I’ve been involved with over the years.
Below is a quick overview of my hobbies. If you want more ind-depth info follow the menu structure above.

Lateral interest span the past 15+ years
Side hobbies range from technical to creative to artistic.

  • Prototyping of various electronic (with limited microcontroller/arduino knowledge, pcb design and manufacture, soldering), mechanical (home CNC machine operation, hand tools), and optical systems (DSLR camera AF Assist prototypes)
  • Practical experience with glass/carbon reinforced composite structures
  • 3d printing and 3d scanning capabilities. Designed various components (from toys to tools) which were 3d printed, and reversed engineered many components in order to re-create and modify and improve.
  • Remote control aircraft (quadrotor/helicopter) piloting as well as design and manufacture of various aircraft.
  • Photo journalistic photography ranging from live music to event photography to portraits.
  • Self published 8 photography books.
  • Web content design and coding (php of web apps and wordpress plugins)
  • Linux, windows, amiga and some VMWare ESXi system management and use experience.
  • Performance driving instructor
  • Grassroots motorsport racing enthusiast
  • Music blog and weekly podcast websites
  • Passion for language learning; Romanian, French, Russian.
  • Bitcoin/altcoin mining and trading with the help of custom software.
  • Graphic design, sketching, painting, drawing.
  • Avid outdoors adventurer (rock climbing, mountain biking, camping)

If you want to get a hold of me send me an email at adrian@onsendesigns.com