Category Archives: Computer geek stuff

VMWare ESXi Vsphere

May try moving my Xenserver setup to Vsphere to allow me the option for PCI passthrough, which Xenserver doesn’t offer.

This is a great guide (for both hardware and installing) ESXi 5 and setting up UnRaid on it, which is what I plan on doing as well.

The case my current unraid server is in has more then enough space for more drives, (just need another drive tray) and I’d be good to go. I am already running out of ram in the current Xenserver system so to try and upgrade the DDR2 ram in that box would cost a lot of money. Probably as much as getting a new system built uing DDR3 ram (yes, it’s that much cheaper right now). As an example, I just upgraded my desktop machine and for the cost of getting 4gigs DDR2 ram, I got 8 gigs DDR3 ram + a new motherboard.

I’d probably want 16gigs of ram in the new system, (going from 8gigs in the xenserver box). I just need to choose components as apparently ESXi is a little more picky about hardware then XenServer (which seems to run on pretty much anything)

Some Links:

Building a ESXi 5.0 Whitebox Server

Virtualbox installation on openSuSE

I keep having issues every time I install VirtualBox on my machine, and figured this time I would document what I did to get the kernel modules to properly compile upon installation.

First make sure openSuSE is up to date
zypper update

Then install kernel sources
zypper install gcc make automake autoconf kernel-source kernel-syms

Installing EagleCAD 6.1.0 on OpenSuse 12.1 64bit

First try I did not get eagle to install in a 64bit linux OS.
Gave up and installed it on a Win7 VM instead so I could start using it.

Tried again today, and figured it out.

The error I was getting initially was

/tmp/eagle-setup.16234/eagle-6.1.0/bin/eagle: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The reason this message came up was because I needed to have the 32bit version of libjpeg-8 library installed. By default I guess opensuse only installs the 64bit version (since I’m running a 64bit OS).

Just had to go in the Yast -> Package Manager and search for libjpeg, and select the 32bit version of the libjpeg-8 libraries.

Recovery of images from camera memory card

I recently had a memory card fail on me on a recent trip (the filesystem somehow got corrupted) and I could not access the photos on it. I put the CF memory card aside, and left it till I got home. Once home, I used PhotoRec (in linux)to scan and recover all my photos from the CF card.
The file name of the files is lost, but all I need to do is sort by date in Bibble (my RAW converter software), which uses the meta-data date to sort, so the file name is not that important.