Author Archives: adrian
KWMedical Spa site re-design
The way it’s gonna work is like this:
Two tables. One table deals with the items, and the other deals with the prices.
In the item database, each item will get one row in the database. The row will include item title, description, and price field. Continue reading
unraring multiple subdirectories
I recently aquired the Futuram season 1-4 collection.
The folder structure was:
Season #
–Show number #
—-multi file rar archive
I really didn’t want to have to uncompress each episode individually, since there are (4 seasons x 12 episodes = 48) lots of shows. Very tedious.
So I set out to write a script to do this for me.
for dir in *; do for filename in *.rar; do unrar x $dir/$filename ../; done; done
May also be usefull:
find -type f -name '*.rar' -execdir unrar x {} \;
more lists
– Sell the Mazda rims (get the images processed, and post a message)
– Give away the fireplace/stove
– Compile the kernal rom scratch.
ToDo List – Basement Bathroom Reno [2]
With the bulk of the previous ToDo list being complete, I thought I’d sit down and think of the next wave for the project.
From the last list, still outstanding are:
– wire electrical outlet
– drain for the tub needs to be finalized (This I will wait on untill I have a tub, in order to locate it)
Biking Videos
Just the other day I saw a video on It was called “Invisile boards”. It’s a clip from a skateboarding movie called “Yeah Right”. it features boarders that ride on what seems to be … nothing… The skateboards have been painted gren and digitally removed.
Anyway this made me think about biking videos. All the videos I’ve seen have pretty standard shots.
I want to produce something that features more visually interesting shots.
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Virtualization… (VMWare or Xen)
After coming accross this site, I started getting ideas (oh ohh…)
VMWare Virtual Appliances Download Directory
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ToDo List – Basement Bathroom Reno
Major milestones:
– Frame the walls
– Run electrical for both outlets and lights
– Break up concrete and run the drains
– Run the plumbing
– Move support post
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Migrating the server
For the past few weeks I’ve been getting another machine ready to replace the current file server. I’ve been setting SuSE 10.1 on a PIII 933 machine to replace the Athlon 2400+. Continue reading
Impressions of the 350D Rebel XT after the Marocco trip
I am _very_ happy. The camera is responsive, fast, and the smaller size (then the 300D) bother me one bit. In fact I llike it since it’a that much easier to conceal. Continue reading