Author Archives: adrian

CNC conversion

I’m now in a position to actually start the CNC conversion of my milling machine.

CNC4PC site has a  LOT of great stuff to get. Between it and the Keling site, I should be able to get all that I need for the conversion.

What I should need:

3 x KL-5042 or KL-6050 : $41 ea
3 x KL23H2100-50-4B : $55 ea
1 x KL-350-48 : $50

Total = $338

And From CNC4PC

C35 Breakout board : $39
Limit Switches : Mechanical or Optical : $78
E-Stop button : $10
3 x Ethernet to Keling driver adapter : $4 ea

Still need: cable for power from controller to motors.
Also posted a question on to see if I’m missing anything critical to my parts list.

So far by my calculations, the total is US$569

Bacula and webmin setup

Tried to install Bacula on webmin. After a bit of fussing, got everything squared and working. Shame there’s no list of dependencies; anyway, here it is for OpenSuse 11.4.

Assuming Webmin is working.
To install bacula, need to add a new repository

zypper ar

Install the packages bacula, bacula-director-common, bacula-storage-mysql, bacula-console

The bacula package is faulty (source). in #/usr/sbin need to replace the zero size files bacula-dir, bcopy, bscan and dbcheck with their .mysql counterpart by doing something like this for all the files:

#ln -s bacula.mysql bacula

Add mysql by installing these packages mysql-community-server,  mysql-community-server-client

Also need DBD::mysql perl package. for which we’lll need another repository installed:

zypper ar

Install the package perl-DBD-mysql

Now need to configure mysql. Set my mysql root password with this:

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password <choose your password to put here>

Then while logged in as root, run

#mysql –password=<password set above>

and create database in mysql by typing “create database bacula;” while in mysql.

In Webmin, add the root sql password to the bacula config screen. Change the user from bacula to root.



Still not working.

Interesting Hackaday projects

Which resistor values should you order for all circumstances?

ATmega328p Videos

The cheapest and easiest 3D printer we’ve seen so far

Building a 1300 lumen bike light

An introduction to stepper motors

Aluminum bending tutorial and a DIY brake

Etching your own PCBs

DIY: How to bend aluminium the easy way with a home

Video: Learning Eagle CAD part 2

8 Breadboard Hacks

Video: Eagle CAD Layout

Quadcopter build ready for first flight/Build log


Deal Extreme interesting items

onsendesigns photo blog and gallery

Deciding how to manage my photography blog/gallery is not easy, however I think I may have found a theme that will do it all.

The theme is Portfolium by WPShower. The theme provides a capability to add and manage a portfolio set of pages. This is independent of Posts and Pages.

The setup I will use is:

  •  Main landing page is the blog page. Each blog entry will contain a group of photos from an event, which will then be assigned to categories and tagged. There will be one drop-down menu for the category structure.
    All the images on the blog will be managed by NextGen gallery.
  • There will be the customary About and Contact pages listed on the top menu.
  • The portfolio part of the site (which is integrated into the theme) will be handled by the theme.  Apparently the Portfolio pages are nothing more then a different “type” of posts, so changing themes doesn’t destroy them. Once switched back to Porfolium, everything is back.