David Deangelo : material that helped him build his inner game/build foundation

David admitted to reading about 1000 books… Some of his very favorite material that helped him with his inner game and develop his foundation.
This was extracted from the series Deep Inner Game:

– “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill: I could get a purpose or an aim, and I could go after it , and I could achieve it. And writing goals down and checking them off as they are achieved.

How to be a no limit person” by Wayne Dyers
Your Erroneous zones” by Wayne Dyers: I could actually take control of myself; I didn’t need to be a person that could be influenced, or pushed around (verbally). My interpretation of what you do is what ic controlling my own feeling. Author’s next book was “Pulling your own strings” which goes deeper into how to control your own emotions.

– “The psychology of achievement” by Brian Tracey :  Big breakthrough for David D. Lots of good stuff. There are people out there that are studying what it takes to be a high achieving person. How to build yourself image and self esteem. If there was one program that David D. recommends that you listen to, it’s this. Early childhood, and building self esteem and self image. David thinks that every kid should listen to this 10 times as they grow up.

Psycho-cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz : Author is a plastic surgeon who would fix people’s faces because they thought they were ugly, and once the bandages would come off, the patient would still think they were ugly. Self image is what you think of yourself, not what others think

– “Frogs into Princes” Bandler and Grinder : The meaning of any communication is the response that you get. It’s not what you think it means, it’s not what 1000 people agree it means, it’s what the response is in the situation. If you’re not getting the response you want, vary how you’re communicating, notice what feedback you’re getting, and keep varying until you get the response you want.

Feel the fear, and do it anyway”  Susan Jeffers : Fear doesn’t just go away. Even for people that act in face of fear, the fear is still there. They just act inspite of it.They are walking through the fear.

How to argue and win every time” Gerry Spence : Audio book 2 tape version: Fear affirms our being. When you feel strong fear, it lets you know you’re really alive.

My voice will go with you: Teaching tales of Milton Ericson” Sidney Rosen

The phoenix” David Gordon : Both : about Milton Ericson. Not about hypnosis, but how to use different situations to get people out of their problem. Instead of trying to change, or trying to convince a person to change, or change the way they think, sometimes all you have to do is get the person into a situation where the cure will automatically happen. Where what you want to happen, will happen all by itself.

– “Provocative Therapy” Frank Farrelly : Manual that teaches you to be cocky/funny and sets you up to be a powerful masculine figure, and sets strong boundaries.

Mind Lines” Michael Hall :Conversation reframing.

The two million year old self” Anthony Stevens : We all have a 2 million year old man inside of us, and we all need learn to make peace with that man to grow.

Type Talk”  Outo Kroeger : About the Myer Briggs personality type indicator.

The art of Speed reading people” Tieger : Both books: To  know what the different personalities are, to know what kind of person you’re communicating with.

Vitalize Simple Truths:Psychology of self deception” Daniel Goleman : How we deceive ourselves everyday. This book brings these truths into perception.

Meeting the shadow” Connie Zweig : Collection of essays-our dark side is where our greatest treasure lies, and how to deal with not repressing the dark side.

– “Radical Honesty” Brad Blanton : Humans for the most part are constantly lying in our minds. Lying to ourselves, lying to others. Some actually lose control of lying. Pathological laier. He prescribes to radically tell the truth all the time.

The Selfish gene” Richard Dawking: Evolutionary psychology.

Seven Masters, One Path” John Selby : 7 spiritual leaders, and distilled one thing they had in common on the idea of meditation. Very concise book.

100 Simple secrets of happy people” David Niven : Share one page of an idea, and gives research  with statistics on topic.

1 thought on “David Deangelo : material that helped him build his inner game/build foundation

  1. Alexis

    Good list thank you. I just ordered some.

    By the way : “Vitalize Simple Truths:Psychology of self deception” is actually “Vital Lies Simple Truths”.


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