I am _very_ happy. The camera is responsive, fast, and the smaller size (then the 300D) bother me one bit. In fact I llike it since it’a that much easier to conceal. Continue reading
I am _very_ happy. The camera is responsive, fast, and the smaller size (then the 300D) bother me one bit. In fact I llike it since it’a that much easier to conceal. Continue reading
1/ The speed of light is generally rounded down to 186,000 miles per second. In exact terms it is 299,792,458 m/s (metres per second – that is equal to 186,287.49 miles per second).
2/ It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth.
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Benny’s engine manifold things has finally materialized. Since last thursday, I’ve had the physical part in my hands. Now I just have to draw this think in Catia, which is the hard part! Continue reading
The excitement of the racing line generation program has dwindled down…
The current main goal is to figure out how the K1999 program works (used in the RARS simulator) works, and use that knoledge to experiment with my own program. I think the fact that I got tangled up in the linux world, is causing me to loose interest in other aspects of my life…
Not good though… need a balance.
Decided on spending more time this winter in trying to develop a system to aid drivers (mainly myself at first) get faster around (firstly) an auto-slalom course (and maybe later a race track). Hence the entrieds I made relating to motion tracking and GPS positioning. Continue reading
A few articles about GPS and inertia tracking:
– Test Results of a GPS/Inertial Navigation System Using a Low Cost MEMS
– Inertial Navigation Electro-Optical Aiding During GPS Dropouts
– Video Updates During GPS Dropouts Using Navigation and
Electro/Optic Sensor Integration Technology
– ‘inertial mapping low cost’ Google search