Category Archives: Computer geek stuff

Booting the desktop problem

To make along story short, the desktop PC won’t boot.

After some digging around, something must have happened to the BIOS? because all the reference points in the grub menu (/boot/grub/menu.lst) were pointing to (hd0,4).
But it turns out that (hd0,4) is not a partition all of a sudden, and it should be (hd0,3). I’m referring to /dev/sda4 partition.
Anyway, to install the grub menu in the mbr, try this in the grub menu console:
grub> root (hd0,3) #this I think tells grub which partition is root
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 #this I think tells grub where to get the stage1 data.
grub> setup (hd0) #this I think tells grub where to install itself

Home PC consolidation project (2)

Have been thinking about this some more.
The reason I have the X2 4000+ as the desktop is because I sometimes do want to run some CPU intensive apps.

But what if I can run most CPU intensive tasks remotely on a more powerful machine?
NoMachine seems to deliver EXCELLENT remote performance, so running apps remotely may be a viable option.
CPU intensive apps are:
– Catia
– Some video editing/processing

Planning for a new web-based password management system

This is just a brain-storming session to get ideas down:

– Category system. (ie. web hosts, online banking, forums…)
– encrypt all info in database, except ID
– when viewing data, only show password when cursor is passed over the line.

Two tables: One is a table of categories and another table is a password table.
Category table:
ID, category name, category desc

Password table;
ID, host, login, password, comments

For the data encyption in the database, hardcode in the PHP code a passkey that is used to encode and decode the data.

Ok That is a bad idea. The data is sent in plain text between the browser and the server php code, so anyone listening can grab the text easily…
Going to do the encryption/decryption in javascript, on the browser, so all the data sent back to server, and then to browser is encrypted.
This is trickier to do (for my skill level) but will try it out.

On third thought, I will stick with the first option. Much easier to implement. As long as one can establish a SSL connection to the site, encryption is not a problem.
In the interest of getting the project started, I will take the easy way out, and maybe in a later version implement the more secure method of encrypting/decrypting the data in the browser.

This needs a name too… WPM (Web Password Manager)??

Home PC consolidation project

It all started about a week ago when I installed the BioShock demo on the HTPC (Athlon2400+, 6800LE video card), to try it out on our projector. It ran, but just barely. Lots of pauses during the game (for things to load I presume?), so I thought, why don’t I just hook up my desktop (which just happens to be right besides the HTPC) which is a Athlon64 x2 4000+ with a 7600GS video card. This machine would run the game much better!
And this got me thinking… Continue reading

This audio server is taking up way too much of my time

Well the joy of the success in splitting the stereo audio pair in 2 separate cards was short lived…
SoftSqueeze, since it runs in Java can’t access alsa virtual devices. Only sound cards.
Same goes for squeezeslave. It can only access the OSS device /dev/dsp
I’ve tries all I can think of to fake things to fool these applications, but I just don’t know enough about the linux sound system to pull it off (if there even is a way to do it)

So I just ordered 2 small USB sound cards for $4 plus $7 in S/H (what a rip off). Each can do 1 stereo pair.
Hopefully with these, I can run 3 zones (even though stereo is overkill) and I can set up this laptop to serve audio, and put this whole thing to rest.

alsa sound control

Since I’ve changed my strategy slightly on how to distribute audio to the house, I’ve needed to do some research on alsa.
After coming across an article about house audio, someone mentioned the effects of pumping stereo audio to each zone…
Sound can get muddy if zones are playing the same music, lack of separation…
So the idea is to just put out mono audio to each zone. Make is easy since amplification and source becomes easier to manage.
A 5.1 surround sound card will give me 6 zones! I’m a little excited about this.

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