Category Archives: Linux Virtualization

Virtualization has begun

So I decided last night to turn my Athlon64X2 4000 workstation into a server.
I installed a fresh copy OpenSuSE 10.3, with minimal packages. Everything installed and running is using 55Megs or ram.
I installed XEN, and the system is now using 96megs.

I installed XP, and that runs just fine. However it seems that I cannot assign hardware to it for exclusive use just yet. Apparently that feature isn;t available in XEN 3.1
EDIT: Actually, hardware passthrough isn’t possible in a fully virtualized environment. In a Paravirtualized environment, it is, but requires a custom kernel.
Bummer. So much for the easy way out, of installing beyondtv, and being done with it…
: (

Server machine OS upgrade (cont’d 2)

How to break up all the different environments in VM land?

I think I will try to further continue the division of services as specialized VMs.

Main OS, will take care of file sharing. Experiment with installing SuSE with ALL the options unchecked. And then build up from there with services.

– First VM would be a internet server environment. Maybe a LAMP server?
– Second would be a VM to manage TV shows recordings. Initially it will probably be BeyondTV based, but eventually go to MythTV.
– Third would be an application server? (With no desktop PC except for the laptop, more power intensive applications would be ran remontly)

Where do I put SlimServer?