Video workflow

So I think I’ve found a video workflow for dealing with video shot on any device.

The workflow needs a lot of work still, but the basics are down.

For reference, use this youtube video. Batch files mentioned in the video are here.

Most of my video these days is mp4 format. I would like to first clean up the video (mainly remove camera shake) before doing any processing. This is where DeShaker comes in.
In order to use DeShaker, I need to get the video into virtualdub. Since I haven’t been able to get virtualdub to read the mp4 files directly, I first need to convert the video to a format  virtualdub can import. Cineform HD is that format.  This is not such a big problem to convert to CineformHD before virtualdub, since I would have converted to it after deshaking anyway.

So the process I’ve currently found to work for me is:

Useing AVS video converter, convert all the mp4 video files to CineformHD. This is wasy as AVS converted does batch conversion, so all the video can be processed in one go.

Then run the video through virtualdub and use the DeShaker plugin. I will try to automate this so I don’t have to manually load every file into virtual dug and run the plugin.

Site Hits

Since I installed the counter on this site (Counterize II) on 26 November 2009 (just over a year ago), I got 14,141 hits (4140 of those from unique IPs, which means lots of repeat readers)

I think that’s pretty impressive (I think) for a site that is still maintained as mainly a useful tool for myself. If others find it useful also, that’s fantastic.

DNS hostname recognition on LAN

For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why some machines on my LAN could be accessed by their server name, while others required IP address  to access.

Then I came across this post.

Mostly linux machines could not be access by their name (only IP address) because the name gets propagated using netbios. If Samba was installed and configured on the linux boxes, then it would work. But since I don’t have samba installed (nor do I want it) I have to manually configure the DNS entries in the Tomato formaware router. Adding the IP address, MAC Address and hostname to the Basic > Static DHCP setup will make the names pingable and accessible from any machine on the LAN.

Robot Snow Plow/Blower



How to make your own tank tracks LINK

Mechanical Nation : new album query

One of the features I want to have in the Mechanical Nation site is a list of new release albums.

I currently found Muspy which will email you (or use an RSS feed) album releases for the artists that you have asked it to track. This is a nice service, and to start I will use it (just have to enter a crapload of artists in the industrial genre for it tor track). Continue reading

Combichrist show

First, what a fantastic show! iVardensphere, Asthetic perfection and Combichrist were incredible.

I took about 21 gigs (1756) photos in the span of a few hours. That’s more then I’ve ever taken at a concert before.  And so many of those were really good shots. After the first round of sorting, I was left with 569 (that includes all 3 bands). That’s a long way to go to get the 30 or so keepers I normally end up with from a band’s performance.
After round two, I’m down to 156 shots.

New SSD install in desktop

Buying a 64 gig SSD tonight (Kingston SSDNow SNV425-s2/64GB). Gonna keep the old 160 gig drive that’s in there now, but use it for data storage.

Partitioning the SSD:

opensuse 11.3 => 12 gig
WinXP => 10 gig
/home => remaining (about 35 gigs)

The 160 gig HD will get this treatment:

WinXP data drive => 65 gig
linux data drive => 65 gig
linux swap => 2gig
linux /tmp => remaining (about 10 gigs?)