Author Archives: adrian

Tri-rotor cost brakedown

UPDATE 01Feb2010: Kinda thinking I should spend my money on a Arduino controlled copter, mainly since that’s the direction I will be heading into in the future anyway, and this way I can totally reuse all the components in the future.

Cost breakdown for a tricopter from this thread:

Item Amount Single [Euro] Total [Euro]
Arduino Pro mini (m328p, 5V 16 MHz) 1 16 16
Accelerometer Breakout Board ADXL322 1 25 25
Gyro Breakout Board ADXRS610 3 54 162
TriGUIDE PCB (DIY) 1 11 11
Motors FC28-22 3 4 12
ESC (I²C) 3 40 120
…or standard ESCs in combination with my I²C->PWM converters
Props EPP0845 2 3.2 6.4
Servo Bluebird BMS371 1 6.1 6.1
USB -> serial converter 1 12 12
Rec-Enc (recommended) 1 30 30
Frame 1 ? ?
Lipo battery 3S 2200 mAh 1 ? ?
TOTAL: 400.5

This uses a Arduino CPU. The asselerometers and gyros are the expensive bits. Look for cheaper alternatives.

The Rec-Enc I can’t find. Look at this thread for a PPM converter. They use this converter priced at reasonable $25.

Read this for CCPM mixing on the Futaba 6ax

Tricopter build. Uses only a heli radio, and gyros. No control board. This is the one to try and build, since it’s simple. I can use the arduino board to do the CCPM mixing which the Tx would normally do.

Updated Cost breakdown:

DT 750 motor X3…utrunner_750kv
$10.95 total $32.85

The review on rated this motor at putting out 40oz thrust. 3 of these would put out 120oz or 3.4kg pf thrust. That’s HUGE! Should be more then enough for me.

You can use any motor in the 600-1000kv range. The lower the Kv, the more resolution each step of the speed control will give you. Motors over 1000 Kv are more difficult to make stable. That said, some have used ducted fans and made it work.

Speed controls X3…d_programmable)
$9.23 total $27.96
BEC X1…oise_Reduction

speed control programmer X1…ogramming_Card
$6.95  This just makes things easy, its worth $7

Battery X? this battery works great.…00mAh_3S1P_20C

3.5mm connectors X2…idproduct=4136
$4 Total $8

Gyro X3…Digital/Analog)
$24.79 total $74.37

Yaw gyro X1…zo_Gyro/Futaba

Better and cheaper yaw gyro is the EK2-0704 from ebay. only $12!

Volt warning A must have!!!!…ery_Monitor_3S

This is $185, you still need wire, battery plugs, a servo.


May have just made the build a little cheaper. Only 2 gyros required, and one headying (yaw) gyro. Need a couple of V-Tail mixers which are dirt cheap at $2.95.

See diagram here:

This would bring the total down to $160 (plus materials to build the frame, say $30 in wood at the hobby store)

To do CCPM mixing, I could use one of these. It will eliminate the yaw gyro, so the price is right.

GPS based Camera Tracking

The camera (on a gimbal) will need to track  a subject some distance away.

The subject will have planted on them a GPS receiver with a XBee radio, and the camera will have a GPS receiver with a XBee radio, and controlling the camera rotation.

The sender unit (on the target subject) will be powered by a Arduino Pro microprocessor, sending GPS data through the XBee radio. an XBee radio hooked up directly to a GPS unit. Here’s how it’s done. Very slick.

The receiving unit (mounted with the camera) will also be powered by a Arduino Pro microprocessor. Using it’s own GPS unit, and the signal from the target GPS unit, a direction will be calculated and used to aim the camera, and constantly update the direction it is aimed so it always points towards the target. The receiving unit will also need to power 2/3 servos to rotate the camera and keep it aimed properly.

Parts List in order of purchase:

First, need just an Arduino board with one GPS. Learn how to control the servos and how to access the GPS data. Build a rig to allow the

Arduino Duemilanove USB Board : CND$31.77
Antenna GPS Embedded SMA
: CND$12.68
Venus GPS with SMA Connector
: CND$52.99

Total : $97.44 +S/H

Then get the other GPS unit and 2 XBee units.

Antenna GPS Embedded SMA : CND$12.68
Venus GPS with SMA Connector
: CND$52.99
XBee PRO radio
: CND$27.30

Total : $120.27

Bookmark list:

List of good sites to keep bookedmarked for future reference.

How to hook up a GPS to an Arduino unit.

RC stuff

OSD for RC aircraft.

Cheap 2.4Ghz radio

Control RC from PC

Comparison of Quadcopter control boards:

UAVP Platform

UAVP Flight Controller + 5 Sensors (ADXR) : US$407.50

UAVP Flight Controller + 5 Sensors (MLX) : US$405.50

Arduino Platform

This is the current shopping list for the Quaduino:


Sum: $51.90


Sum: $313.75


Sum: $6.40


Sum: $132.40

Total sum: $504.45

RC Gear

  • 1x PPM compatible receiver
  • 1x Tramsmitter

xbmc revisit

I had a XBMC box made, but it would not play HD content, since it was not powerfull enough.

Then I switched to using the WD TV Live, but I really don’t like the interface…

So after some reading on the XBMC forums, I’ve found this post. Pretty much what I was looking for. A complete build that I could copy. Inexpensive at that!

I have the case, the ram, etc. All I need is the Mobo and a remote…

To be continued…

Vivitar 285HV Flash power selector

This project started a while ago for me (probably back in July 09), when I got my first Vivitar 285HV flash.

By default, this flash has 4 manual power settings. Full, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/16.
I never liked the fact that there was no 1/8 power. So searching the web I came across some DIY projects to add a selector knob to select different power settings. Continue reading

WD TV Live hacking

I’ve only used the WD TV Live a few times since I bough it a couple on months ago. I had built a XBMC box, that played most SD content, and Iw as content. I was actually very impressed with the pretty interface, and the abilities of XBMC.

But having trouble playing a few file types, and the thoughs of using the XBMC hardware in my car pc have gotten me thinking about the WD TV Live again.

I am going to flash the WDLXTV_LIVE- firmware.

Forum info is here.

Instruction from WD on upgrading firmwares is here.