Author Archives: adrian

Book: “Listening: The Forgotten Skill”

I am almost finished getting through the audio version of the book Listening: The Forgotten Skill by Madelyn Burley-Allen, and I want to write about the profound effect this book has had on me.

Out of all the audio programs I listened to and books I read, I think this one program has had the most impact on my awareness of myself. I feel more conscious of my thoughts, and give more thought in conversations as to be most effective.

This one is on the list for re-listening again. For me it was very profound.

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Heli/RC parts and info


TREX 450 bible



Hobby King

HobbyHobby (Mississauga location)



Hobby-USA (carries CopterX Black Angel parts)


Value Hobby (in USA)



Airy Harden Blade II : Highly cambered blades that come in 238mm, 210mm, 185mm and 160mm.
The HoneyBee CP2 (that uses the 238mm blades) has a rotor speed of 17oorpm. So keep things under 2000prm. (Reference)

Supposedly, more surface area and more camber on these smaller blades for a Blade CX2/Lama V4.


Heli-Direct Pinions selection: well organized

Calculate RC Helicopter Head Speed

In order to calculate your RC helicopter head speed, there are 4 things you need to know:

  1. The number of Teeth (T) of your motor pinion. If you set up your RC helicopter yourself, you should know that by heart. If you bought the RC Helicopter RTF (ready to fly) or someone set it up for you, just count the teeth of your motor pinion. It is a lot easier than counting the teeth of your main gear.
  2. The number of T of the main gear. This is easy to find – just count the teeth on your main gear. Well, not that easy – just try it, you’ll know what I mean. I get a different number every time I count it. Again, you may find the number of your main gear T on the owner manual.
  3. Motor kv – the rpm (head Speed) produced by a motor per volt applied. You should be able to get the motor kv from the motor specification sheet.
  4. Voltage: This is the voltage of your battery. You may get this information from your battery specification sheet or label.
  5. Efficiency rate: This is the percentage of your RC helicopter motor efficiency when you are flying with your set up. It is the norm to use 80% (.8) or 90% (.9) depending many factors though you run 100% on your throttle curve.

As it was said earlier, the result would only give you a rough estimate of the head speed. A better way is to use a tachometer to measure your RC Helicopter head speed.

Estimate Head Speed = (Motor kv * Battery Voltage /(Main Gear /Teeth of Pinion)) * Efficiency Rate