Author Archives: adrian

Virtualbox installation on openSuSE

I keep having issues every time I install VirtualBox on my machine, and figured this time I would document what I did to get the kernel modules to properly compile upon installation.

First make sure openSuSE is up to date
zypper update

Then install kernel sources
zypper install gcc make automake autoconf kernel-source kernel-syms

Quadcopter build- research

Some points of interest:

– I did some tests on using a belt 450 tail assembly, and with a bit of modification (adding some idler pulleys to keep the belt from skipping) I achieved just over 1kg of thrust (before belt started skipping) – (my research) and my design of idler pulleys

– I’ve also tried putting a motor directly at the prop shaft, (to eliminate the power transmission through the boom) (my research). The problem I’ve found with putting a motor directly on the shaft is that you can’t get a motor with the proper kv to spin large 200mm blades. Gearing is almost always the best way to get the speed of a motor (at it’s peak efficiency) to a speed those blades can hanle.

– If you’re not looking for inverted flight, I’ve found these heavily cambered blades to produce much more thrust then the symetric 250 sized heli blades. (My research) and still maintain pretty good efficiency. (some photos of my test setup)

– To size your main motor, here’s some numbers I came up with from my test rig. To produce 1.57kg of thrust with the blades mentioned abode, I was sucking back 200W. (my research) For a spreadsheet of thrust numbers (and power required to achieve it) see a spreadsheet I put together. Again, more info to help you size the main motor. (spreadsheet link) Make sure you account for 15-20% losses in drivetrain.

– Another spreadsheet I used to calculate thrust and power (and many more things) (spreadsheet link). Al ot of my initial estimations were done with this. The results of this spreadsheet are not far off from actual tests I did. I’d way within 10-15%.

Mechanically etching PCB boards

Process to get PCB boards made.

– Design in Eagle, and export from the CAM module in Eagle layers 16, 17, 18, 20, as GERBER_RS274X
– Also export layers 44 and 45  as EXCELLON
– Import gerber file and excellon fine in CircuitCam
– Isolate as required (using only small and standard tools), and batch export DXF ;this outputs 4 files (small tool path DXF, Standard tool path DXF, Drill DXF and border DXF)
– Import DXF files in CNC USB Controller software, and export “Toolpath to G-code”
– Each DXF file will have a .nc file to be cut with the appropriate tool.

CNC future developments

Now that the milling machine is under PC control, I need a road map of what further changes I am going to make to it.

– E-Switch
– Continuity switch for detecting edge of parts (and determining the height/location of the tool)
– Limit Switches
– Spindle Control (both speed and on/off)

Book printing

Book printing out of china.

Got a quote for a 100 page book (same paper as Blurb basic paper), hard cover, bound for $13, based on order quantity of 300. In quantities of $100, the cost is $33 per book.

And speaking ob making books, I’d be needing other software to design books other then blurbs Book Smart software.

Scribus is a free open source package. To insert folders full of images into the layout, read this.


Doing some number crunching, and even though the individual book cost is pretty cheap (at 300 pieces), at the end of the day the the offer is not that much more attractive then the cost that Blurb charges per book.