Author Archives: adrian

MN DAR Display

Displaying New Album Releases ; wordpress plugin

The album release data is stored in a database that is populated daily (the part that populates the database already works). With each daily update, older releases need to have cover art verified (that a non-zero file exists) and that a link to MP3 or CD store exists. If not, update that information.

The data display will happen in parts. One will be a widget, and the other will be a page.
– Widget simply displays chronological list of latest albums.
— List of albums to be scrollable (small scrollable area in CSS) and display latest 10-20 releases (with date delimitation)
— Table view of albums. Cover photo, with 2 rows of info to the left. Further to the left, audio preview of album from Amazon.

– The page content (which will be driven by a shortcode) will be a scrollable, paginated list (AJAX driven?) of the albums released in chronological order. Larger album cover view then the widget.
— Have multiple shortcodes to display several things? Like list of albums, Featured album?
— Sortable list option. Sort by Genre?
— Preview link to Amazon player (if album is available on amazon)

AF Assistant IR-measuring

Made some progress today.

Measured the wavelength of a couple of Canon AF assist lights.

AF assist light from a Canon 540EZ flash.
The wavelength is about 725nm.
AF assist light from a Canon 550EX flash.
The wavelength is about 700-715nm.

Now to look for some LEDs in that wavelength.
The other requirement is that the light source needs to be able to handle several hundred mA. (so the 20mA regular LEDs are out of the question)
I did find a 1W 730nm IR emitter at DigiKey that may do the trick. I’ll have to order one and try it out.

Why Waldorf?

I’ve been asked why I send my kid to a Waldorf school, and I didn’t have a quick answer so I thought I’d collect my thoughts on why a Waldorf education is the way to go. This is by no means comprehensive, so do your own research.

I think it’s not a question of  ‘why Waldorf’ but rather a question of ‘why not the public schooling system’.
To start, here are few videos by Ken Robinson explain this quite well (much better then I could explain):

Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms | Video on Continue reading

Variable Pitch multi-rotor craft

A post on RCGroups got updated last night. A new variable pitch multi-rotor craft got posted, and it looks very slick. This got me motivated again in continuing my work in this field.

While looking for the heli parts that were used in the above post, I came across this RC helicopter manuals collection of helis I never heard before. It’s good to know about it and see how other helis are designed and put together, for future ideas.