Author Archives: adrian

Multiroom audio for retrofit home

Looking into how I’m going to get audio into the different rooms of this house where there is no structured wiring in behind the walls to take advantage of.

UPDATE: pricing out some components, and I think I will go the DIY route with a squeezebox backbone. I have a squeezebox classic and radio already. In each room that I just want some music that doesn’t need to be played at loud volumes I can put a squeezebox radio (they go for about CND$100). In the living room I can use a squeezebox classic or squeezebox receiver with some quality speakers and a small class T amp to drive them. As a reference, the Sonos Play:5 is $450. For that kind of money I can put together much better components (speakers, amp) that will be much louder.

For compact class t amps, read this:

More on what small amp to use with a squeezebox:

100W Class T amp on ebay (w/ power supply):

A lot of the class D or class T amps seems to be based on the Tripath integrate amp chips. TA2020 is a 30W amp(@ 4 Ω), TK2050 is a 100W amp (@ 4 Ω) .

This also looks like an interesting option. In wall keypad to control with amp built in:

Going from Sense 4.0 to vanilla ICS or Jelly Bean

No two ways about it. Sense 4 is very pretty. A lot of work has gone into first off integrating sense with the android core, and the apps it comes with (that integrate and use the sense framework) are unique.

That uniqueness of several apps is what’s been keeping me from going to a vanilla ICS or JB third party build.
The apps I would need to find an equivalent replacement for are:

– camera app: the sense camera does so many things, and does them really well. From HDR to pano to smile detection and even groups shots, I don’t think an app exists that rivals the Sense Camera app.

– car home app: the car mode app is very slick. It integrates well with the few apps that are pre-set up for it, but on the other hand, there is no customization. You get the apps that are pre-configured.

– app switcher: I really love the app/task switcher that comes with sense4.

Having written this, I find it suprizing  there’s only a few things that I’d be missing.

HD restructuring

The new 500gig drive back from warranty will house the ESXi VMs.

The current 1Tb drive that houses the ESXi VM’s and the current 1Tb drive from my workstation will be moved to the Nas4Free file server in a RAID 1 (mirror) array.

The workstation gives up it’s 1Tb data drive which gets replaced with the two 500mb 2.5″ drives. Since they will be used as data drives, read/write performance isn’t as important, and the 5400rpm 2.5″ drives should be just fine for storing in progress photos/videos/other stuff.

Moving data from one drive to another on the ESXi server can be accoplished with something like this:

syncing data between file servers

To get the UnRaid file server synced with the Nas4Free ZFS file server, I will use rsync.

as reference, I played with these commands already to push data from the NAS4Free server to the UnRaid server.
Rsync  “Work” folder sync.
rsync -r -a -v -e ssh /mnt/Pool01/work  root@

Rsync – “photo” folder sync.
rsync -r -a -v -e ssh /mnt/Pool01/media/photo/  root@

Rsync – “music-unsorted” folder sync.
rsync -r -a -v -e ssh /mnt/Pool01/media/music-unsorted/ root@

Rsync – “music” folder sync.
rsync -r -a -v -e ssh  /mnt/Pool01/media/music/ root@