MN DAR Display

Displaying New Album Releases ; wordpress plugin

The album release data is stored in a database that is populated daily (the part that populates the database already works). With each daily update, older releases need to have cover art verified (that a non-zero file exists) and that a link to MP3 or CD store exists. If not, update that information.

The data display will happen in parts. One will be a widget, and the other will be a page.
– Widget simply displays chronological list of latest albums.
— List of albums to be scrollable (small scrollable area in CSS) and display latest 10-20 releases (with date delimitation)
— Table view of albums. Cover photo, with 2 rows of info to the left. Further to the left, audio preview of album from Amazon.

– The page content (which will be driven by a shortcode) will be a scrollable, paginated list (AJAX driven?) of the albums released in chronological order. Larger album cover view then the widget.
— Have multiple shortcodes to display several things? Like list of albums, Featured album?
— Sortable list option. Sort by Genre?
— Preview link to Amazon player (if album is available on amazon)

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