GPS based Camera Tracking

The camera (on a gimbal) will need to trackĀ  a subject some distance away.

The subject will have planted on them a GPS receiver with a XBee radio, and the camera will have a GPS receiver with a XBee radio, and controlling the camera rotation.

The sender unit (on the target subject) will be powered by a Arduino Pro microprocessor, sending GPS data through the XBee radio. an XBee radio hooked up directly to a GPS unit. Here’s how it’s done. Very slick.

The receiving unit (mounted with the camera) will also be powered by a Arduino Pro microprocessor. Using it’s own GPS unit, and the signal from the target GPS unit, a direction will be calculated and used to aim the camera, and constantly update the direction it is aimed so it always points towards the target. The receiving unit will also need to power 2/3 servos to rotate the camera and keep it aimed properly.

Parts List in order of purchase:

First, need just an Arduino board with one GPS. Learn how to control the servos and how to access the GPS data. Build a rig to allow the

Arduino Duemilanove USB Board : CND$31.77
Antenna GPS Embedded SMA
: CND$12.68
Venus GPS with SMA Connector
: CND$52.99

Total : $97.44 +S/H

Then get the other GPS unit and 2 XBee units.

Antenna GPS Embedded SMA : CND$12.68
Venus GPS with SMA Connector
: CND$52.99
XBee PRO radio
: CND$27.30

Total : $120.27

Bookmark list:

List of good sites to keep bookedmarked for future reference.

How to hook up a GPS to an Arduino unit.

1 thought on “GPS based Camera Tracking

  1. Sacha

    Hi Adrian,
    im very interested on the gps based gimbal tracking systeme, do you have anymore pictures as im a bit confused with the modem and the gps.
    Would you be able to help me with this project.

    Looking forward to your anser,




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