Monthly Archives: June 2008

TWMS: spam because of online forms

It looks like the current form on the TWMS site is attracting a lot of spam.
I need to add some sort of CAPTCHA to prevent bots from sending messages. I just added a checkbox, which should slow messages down, but I will implement a random text image captcha as found here.
This should prove good enough, but I need time to implement it.

Come to think of it, I should probably refactor the portion of the page that generates the html code for the pop up boxes.

Windows Home Server;Drive Extender – for linux

So it appears that nothing like the drive extender that WHS has, exists for linux. Discussion on AVSForums leads me to believe that.
Explanation on how WHS Drive Extender works.

So I have decided to write some code to accomplish something similar.
What are the needs:
– amalgamate a pool of partitions/folders and make them seem like one folder.
– when data is written to the pool, the software manages where the data is stored (what partition/folder in the pool)

Since everything is running from partitions/folders, FlexRAID can be applied to the same folders, to add a level of redundancy to the whole system (something WHS doesn’t have to my knowledge)