Category Archives: Linux

Virtualbox installation on openSuSE

I keep having issues every time I install VirtualBox on my machine, and figured this time I would document what I did to get the kernel modules to properly compile upon installation.

First make sure openSuSE is up to date
zypper update

Then install kernel sources
zypper install gcc make automake autoconf kernel-source kernel-syms

Installing EagleCAD 6.1.0 on OpenSuse 12.1 64bit

First try I did not get eagle to install in a 64bit linux OS.
Gave up and installed it on a Win7 VM instead so I could start using it.

Tried again today, and figured it out.

The error I was getting initially was

/tmp/eagle-setup.16234/eagle-6.1.0/bin/eagle: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The reason this message came up was because I needed to have the 32bit version of libjpeg-8 library installed. By default I guess opensuse only installs the 64bit version (since I’m running a 64bit OS).

Just had to go in the Yast -> Package Manager and search for libjpeg, and select the 32bit version of the libjpeg-8 libraries.

Recovery of images from camera memory card

I recently had a memory card fail on me on a recent trip (the filesystem somehow got corrupted) and I could not access the photos on it. I put the CF memory card aside, and left it till I got home. Once home, I used PhotoRec (in linux)to scan and recover all my photos from the CF card.
The file name of the files is lost, but all I need to do is sort by date in Bibble (my RAW converter software), which uses the meta-data date to sort, so the file name is not that important.

Bacula and webmin setup

Tried to install Bacula on webmin. After a bit of fussing, got everything squared and working. Shame there’s no list of dependencies; anyway, here it is for OpenSuse 11.4.

Assuming Webmin is working.
To install bacula, need to add a new repository

zypper ar

Install the packages bacula, bacula-director-common, bacula-storage-mysql, bacula-console

The bacula package is faulty (source). in #/usr/sbin need to replace the zero size files bacula-dir, bcopy, bscan and dbcheck with their .mysql counterpart by doing something like this for all the files:

#ln -s bacula.mysql bacula

Add mysql by installing these packages mysql-community-server,  mysql-community-server-client

Also need DBD::mysql perl package. for which we’lll need another repository installed:

zypper ar

Install the package perl-DBD-mysql

Now need to configure mysql. Set my mysql root password with this:

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password <choose your password to put here>

Then while logged in as root, run

#mysql –password=<password set above>

and create database in mysql by typing “create database bacula;” while in mysql.

In Webmin, add the root sql password to the bacula config screen. Change the user from bacula to root.



Still not working.

File-server setup: Update

File Server seems to work.
WHM backups have been configured and are FTPing backups daily/weekly/monthly to the server.

Will want to test out the backups on the AlienVPS server at some point to practice recovery.

The rest of the file-server still needs configuring. There are WAY too many options (especially for Samba) so if I will make this into a public release I will certainly have to make some new modules for webmin. Simeple File server module.

I also want to move the whole LAN to a LDAP setup so that all users get their passwords from the server. I will let the File-Server do the LDAP serving.

File server setup

Setting up a file server at home. This server will take care of all external connections and working/active files. The UnRAID system will take care of all archived and inactive files.

I looked at solutions like FreeNAS and Openfiler and was left wanting a little more. On top of that, the updating of those solutions is scant at best. I prefer using up-to-date software and features as they becomes available.
So I decided to set up a file server myself. It will be based on OpenSUSE with Webmin as the GUI. I plan on making this a downloadable project from SuseStudio once it gets a little more mature.

I will document here the changes I am making to the system so that I can implement them in the SuseStudio version so there won’t be any configuration to the end user.


For Outsider’s File System, 0.0.1

– Added NFS server, and configured it.
NOTES: When setting up a share, for ‘Export to‘ option make sure that instead of Everyone, the option of Hosts is selected and * is entered in the field. That’s how suse sets up the share, and it doesn’t seem to work (at least not on my LAN) with Everyone selected.
See if this setting change can be made a default.
UPDATE: it doesn’t matter what the Export option is set to. The directory to be exported needs to be enabled. From the NFS Share module view, select (check off) the directory and click “Enable Selected” button

– Added Vsftp. The daemon seems to need to be started manually after a system reboot.
NOTES: Go into Webmin’s System > Bootup and Shutdown menu, select the service (or Action as it’s called there) and then click the Start on Boot button at the bottom of page.

-Samba configuration : read this HowTo.

– In Webmin, under the system modules, open the “Bootup and Shutdown” module, and make sure things like smb, nfsserver, (and other services) are started at boot.

Software I’m not happy with: and what I plan on doing about it

The need to innovate and improve is certainly consistent with my personality 🙂

Two pieces of software I’m not 100% happy with, but have no alternatives: except to write my own. (actually there’s probably more, but only these two I’ve given serious thought about pursuing)

NAS Solution

One is a free/open source NAS solution that is OS independent. I know of FreeNAS and OpenFiler but both are plagued by the same disease. Extremely slow support and very infrequent updates.
I’d like to put together an OS independent linux file server front-end. Building on  what webmin has done (maybe just a webmin plugin that consolidates all the file-sharing tools in one location). Building on webmin would be easy as it’s already making use of all the tools that are required to manage a file server (though the webmin interface is not particularly oriented to file server management).

The other tool I am not happy with is ZenPhoto. I’m not happy with it due to its very limited selection of themes. WordPress has endless theme selection but (compared to ZenPhoto) poor photo mamagement tools. I love the photo management tools in ZenPhoto. If somehow WordPress and ZenPhoto could be merged in a seamless manner I’d be thrilled; unfortunately I haven’t found such a solution yet. There are some plugins out there for wordpress to bring in photos from ZenPhoto, but it’s cumbersome.
I really like that (in ZepPress) all I need to do is FTP some photos in a folder and they get posted on the ZenPhoto site. No extra messing with front end interface to import or set up albums. The file/folder structure is reflected in the structure of the image folders/sub-folders. I like that.

Photo Gallery/Blog

Part of what I want is a web-gallery and blog to have the same theme allow for seamless navigation from blog to gallery and back.  Also having to manage two separate systems (zen photo for photos and wordpress for blog) is more time consuming. I have used the ZepPage features of ZenPhoto, (to integrate the blog in ZenPhoto) but there are only 1/2 dozen themes available for zenpage enables sites.

I know I could just write a theme to my liking for ZenPhoto/ZenPage, but if I’m going to do some coding, I’d prefer to do some higher level stuff, where ANY theme could be used, hence using wordpress as the frontend, and work on integrating zenphoto photo management into wordpress.