Monthly Archives: February 2014

Mining MaxCoin

I’m going to dedicate 1/2 my computing power to mining MaxCoin.
I’ll need to be running SMOS 1.3 as it has implementation of the SHA3 algorithm in the cgminer-keccak miner.

Apparently SHA3 runs 30% cooler (the GPUs run 30% cooler) then the scrypt algorithm so that means less heat; the algorithm uses very little ram.

one of the more stable pools seems to be so I’m going to set that up.

Maybe the above pool is not a good idea. Read this:;all
Will start with this pool
lso signed up with the pool

Got a wallet address on Cryptsy- all set to mine.

Profitability calculator

Features to add to BAMT

BAMT is a great OS, but it has it’s issues. So far only BAMT 1.3 seems to give decent hash rates. Newer versions are slower at hashing, but have fixes implemented that which 1.3 doesn’t.
This is a list of fixes/features to add to my personal copies of BAMT1.3. Maybe even make an image so new USB sticks I make will have the same features baked in.